Self-Isolation and Meal Planning

Self-isolation and social distancing has become the new norm around the world so it’s important we embrace this situation and work through it together. While it can feel quite overwhelming and claustrophobic at times, it is also an opportunity to explore some new meals ideas, focus on our health and spend time with our loved ones.
Having a plan and some key focus points can really help us get through this self-isolation period (while staying sane and healthy).
1. Emotional eating – stress can play a large role in our daily food choices as well as boredom and anxiety. Try to be aware of when we are reaching into the cupboards and what are our main triggers. Bring some awareness into your day by asking yourself what (emotion) are you really looking for? How else can I find this?
2. Weekly meal plans – Spend 10mins on a Sunday night creating a weekly meal plan. This includes lunches, dinners and a few snack options. That way you’ll feel more excited about what’s on the menu and it gets the whole family involved. Some useful recipe websites are:
3. Focus on our health – Having this down time and forced isolation can be a wakeup call for some. Our bodies are used to running at 100 miles an hour with work and family commitments, poor food choices and not much sleep. Try to use this time to evaluate sneak in a few extra hours of sleep, include some more movement/daily exercise and focus on good quality, nutritious foods.
4. Time for yourself – Decluttering the mind is also very important during this time. Often we can get overwhelmed and anxious when we read the news or spend too much time on social media, so try to schedule in some time for you. This can a family walk or listening to a podcast, diving into a book you always wanted to start (or finish), breath work or mediation apps (headspace is a great one I use).
5. Online shopping – We are fortunate to have the luxury of doing everything online and not get caught up in ‘panic buying’. Procedures are put into place to make sure everything is hygienic. Some good essentials for the pantry are: - Frozen meats, seafood & poultry - Fresh fruit and vegetables – aim to include 2 new ones each week - Soups and broths - Pizza bases (great option for the freezer) - Herbal teas – ginger, turmeric, green teas, echinacea to boost our immunity - Cleaning and household goods – Ecostore is our family favourite
6. Creativity in the kitchen – take turns preparing meals during the week. This means we consume a larger variety of nutrients and it allows the family member show their creative flare.
South Stream Market has got you covered for all your essential foods and household goods, making online ordering super easy. Stay safe and healthy and enjoy some restaurant quality foods at your own home this Easter.
Want to find out more or ask a question? Click Here to get in touch with Chrissy.